Friday, June 26, 2009

Fan or leaf?

massive swiss chard

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

wild eggs

The ovum of various fowl.


Zander contemplates whether or not this curly carrot will be delicious....

Despite his suspicion at its un-chicken like smell, he goes for it...

carrots love to be freaks

NICE LEGS!  Work it ladies... the one on the right should probably hit the gym, although i can totally sympathize with having a long torso, its, like, impossible to find one piece bathing suits that fit. 

click here for 
carrot nutrition

These freaks are good for carrot cake
(it's a vegan recipe, but I use actual eggs) 

last year's freakishly large beet and zuch

These were true monstrosities.  Lets see if we can top them this year.  I just remembered I juiced that beet and peed red for a long time. 

Sunday, June 21, 2009